When you use a script-driven application on your site and all the content that you create is saved in a database, your website hosting package needs to include sufficient database storage space, so as to ensure that even if your website grows, you won't experience any kind of troubles because of the shortage of space. PostgreSQL is a good example of a popular database administration system that is used for numerous scalable web apps and in case you require enhanced performance and security for your website, it is likely that you will take advantage of this system. That being said, you will need a web hosting package that will not bound your world wide web presence, especially if you intend to run several sites and each of them uses PostgreSQL databases.

PostgreSQL Database Storage in Shared Hosting

Several of the shared hosting plans that we offer are perfect for hosting websites that require a PostgreSQL database to function since they feature unrestricted database storage. Using these plans, you're able to create and manage any sort of PostgreSQL-driven script app and benefit from a quick and reliable website hosting service. We can afford to offer unlimited database storage since we don't manage everything on one and the same server. Instead, all PostgreSQL databases are handled by a different cluster, that is part of our custom cloud web hosting platform, which means that we will always insert extra hard drives or whole servers to the cluster when required. With our shared hosting services, you will not ever need to worry that the progress of your sites will be restricted due to the shortage of space for your databases.

PostgreSQL Database Storage in Semi-dedicated Servers

When you obtain a semi-dedicated server from our company, you will take advantage of our powerful cloud hosting platform. Due to the fact that the databases have their separate cluster of servers and do not run on the same machines as the web server or the e-mails, any script-driven website which you host here will work better than if it was hosted on a server where a variety of processes run. The cloud platform is also the main reason why we can offer unlimited storage for the PostgreSQL databases set up in any semi-dedicated hosting account. You will be able to see the size of the databases you set up in your Control Panel, both the individual for each one as well as the entire, however you won't be restricted with regard to what amount of space they can take, so your PostgreSQL-driven sites can expand without restriction.