PostgreSQL 8.3 Databases in Shared Hosting
You could use applications that need PostgreSQL databases with every single shared hosting plan which we provide. The number of databases that you can have at the same time ranges and with some plans you will need to acquire an extra upgrade, while with others the amount is between five and unlimited as standard. Should you ever need more databases compared to what the plan you have picked offers, you can upgrade this feature via the Upgrades part of your CP. When you have a free slot, you could create a new PostgreSQL database with a few mouse clicks inside the Databases section of your account and from the same spot you could also access phpPgAdmin - a feature-rich software tool that'll give you full control over all your databases and it'll permit you to export or import an entire database or only a part of it effortlessly.
PostgreSQL 8.3 Databases in Semi-dedicated Servers
Taking into consideration the computing power which our semi-dedicated plans offer, you will have no problem to run sizeable apps that require a PostgreSQL database to save their information. The PostgreSQL support is available by default for each account, not by demand or as a paid upgrade, so the instant your account is active, you could create a brand new database with just a few clicks in the PostgreSQL section of your Hepsia hosting CP. Besides employing a script app to manage the content in such a database, you shall also be able to take advantage of phpPgAdmin - a sophisticated online tool which will provide you with total control over all of your databases. With it, you shall be able to export or import any part of your content and run SQL queries via an easy-to-use graphic web interface.