In the event you set up a new web site, it’s important to locate the best layout for it. From the iHostingNet.Com Web Hosting Control Panel you can do that extremely fast. We have now for you a selection of over 800 one of a kind web site styles obtainable for free of cost. They are found with each of our cloud hosting accounts and are 100% customizable.
Practically all of the designs are fashioned exclusively for our services and aren’t accessible elsewhere outside of the Control Panel. This means the chances to discover somebody else with the same theme as you are actually minimal.
800+ No Charge Layout Themes
Entirely customizable. Automated Installing
To save you time when selecting a good look for your site, we have developed a selection of over 800 no charge layout themes within the iHostingNet.Com Control Panel. The templates are meant to handle a variety of subjects and necessities – you can find styles for both personal websites such as blogs or portfolios as well as business web sites or e–shops.
Each of our no charge layout themes are obtainable with both iHostingNet.Com’s Web App Installer as well as our Site Installer Tool. Consequently you can easily add the template you want on a new site in seconds.
No Charge Application Layout Themes
Find no charge layout themes for your next web app
We’ve built a couple of tools (iHostingNet.Com’s Site Installer Tool, iHostingNet.Com’s Web App Installer and our Cost Free Web Site Builder), available for 100% free in the iHostingNet.Com Control Panel, that can assist you add a different application like Joomla™ or Wordpress in seconds. Over the set up, you can decide on a custom template that’ll be placed on your web site from the start.
We have got no charge layout themes for these apps: Wordpress, Joomla™, Moodle (e–learning), Mambo (CMS) and 4Images (image gallery).
No Charge Site Builder Layout Themes
100+ thoroughly simple to customize no charge layout themes
If you wish to design your very own site and spend less on web design, you’ll be able to take full advantage of our Cost Free Web Site Builder. It’s a theme–centered website builder that needs absolutely no HTML or CSS experience by you, and it’s available for zero cost with all of our cloud hosting plans.
The tool features more than 100 extraordinary styles, which you can thoroughly modify to your preference. Because these no charge layout themes are built for only the site builder, you can be sure that once you build your web site, it’s going to be completely unique.